Monday, January 26, 2015


Zelda likes to be really cute before I go to work.  Then the think about calling in sick to play with her.

Cocktail of the week.....FIREBALL!!!!!!!

I am trapped in a house with crazy people ( my parents) while a storm rages outside.  That is right people, I am trapped in The Shining.  Here is my own weapon against the blizzard: homemade Fireball whiskey. All the fun of the national brand sans the anti freeze.....  I used this website for the recipe.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I found the most amazing book called Milk & Cookies.  It comes from the store in Greenwhich Village of the same name.  The premise is that there are only four or five base doughs, and then you just add different things: cranberries and white chocolate, walnuts, toffee... Kinda cool.  Here is the vanilla base dough, she has you take out and knead, I do everything with a mixer.  Here is the other cool thing, you make your own oat flour....

- put 2 1/2 cups old fashion oats in a food processor and grind into flour
2 cups all purpose flour
1 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 1/2c butter at room temp
1 c sugar
1 c light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 t vanilla extract

This is the base, I added 2 cups semi sweet chunks and 2 cups/ 4 oz bittersweet chocolate curls.  I used a mandolin to get the curls, but biceps have not forgiven me.

Preheat oven to 350

Grease two cookie sheets

Take ground oats and add the rest of the dry ingredients.
Place butter in mixer and beat for three minutes until light and fluffy.  Scrape bowl often.  Then add sugars beating until light and creamy.  Add vanilla extract and eggs.  Mix and then add oat mixture.  She has you take out batter and knead.  I've got things to do.  I just use the mixer.  Then add the chocolate.

Use an ice cream scooper and mark about two dozen cookies at 1 1/2 inces of dough in diameter.

Bake 15 minutes.n

Friday, January 16, 2015

cocktail of the week Cranberry Punch

JC and I both work with children.  This meaning, we drink, often to forget.  So I thought it might be nice to start a new weekly posting, the cocktail of the week.  The first one is my mother's Christmas punch, something I enjoyed as a kid.  Joann would make a nice big bowl of it and I would enjoy it after school.  Or sometimes before.  True story.  The amounts are a secret known only to JC butas far as I can tell,  it is mostly cranberry juice, ginger ale and a nice healthy amount of gin.  It would often get a frozen soda ice ring complete with cranberries and holly leaves.  The breakfast of champions.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cook the Cover. January

I thought this year I might try something new, cooking the cover of either Bon Appetit or Food and Wine magazines.  This month's cover was a gift for those who are holiday weary.... A simple slice of toast.    I used Siggi's yogurt in lieu of labneh and cashews instead of hazelnuts.

Kinda was tasty, though.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Home for New Years

I started my New Years off in style with my friend Whitney, at Bar Six in teeny tiny top hats.  I plan on wearing one for all holidays now.


As some of you might know, I had to say goodbye to my sweet Stanley the day after Thanksgiving.  It was a tough few weeks, but then my mother made a decision.... It was time for a new kitty.  Meet Zelda Fitz Cornelius.  While no one could ever replace my Stanley, Zelda is one sweet girl.  Her birthday is Halloween and she loves to eat.  So far her favorite things are tissues, egg rolls and Olivia's food.