Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day....

We went out for corn beef sandwiches and they were great. Then my mom and I drank Dirty Girl Scout Cocktails. Am now blogging drunk.... but here are some fun pictures of out evening! BTW can you guess which parent in Irish???

Signs of Spring

Here are a few reminders that winter is not trying to kill us like I one thought! The crocuses are out, my townails are painted, and Stan is in the window. Say it with me.... AHHHHHH!!!!

Does this constitute cheating????

I found the wrong cat in my bed, Kitten Boo. She is my parents' cat and has decided that during the day she wants to be in my room. I have no idea why and Stan chases her out every time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Very Hungry Catepiller

AND I will be very hungry too if I do not get a job. SO, for my interview tomorrow I am whipping up crafts. Here is my Very Hungry Catepiller. I need to fix the spot I missed and fix the one eye, but here he is, ready to eat and become a butterfly. Just as I will leave my chrysalis of unemployment and fly into the sky of the working. I hope I do not get eaten by a bird. My cupcake liner flowers need some work, but I will post them too.

Monday, March 1, 2010


i am so excited I finally found the cord to the digital camera! It was NOT in my mom's car like I thought, but next to the bed! Who knew?
Here are my new fancy mittens my mom knit for me! tehy say "Taxi" down the fronts. They are now my new favorite thing ever! Thanks Mom! And I am representing NYC in style!