Sunday, February 27, 2011

May the Force be with You

In an effort to end my winter/snow induced depression I decided to brek out my new Star Wars cookie cutters. For reasons I will never understand, there are four: Yoda, Darth Vader, the bounty hunter guy and a storm trooper. Why there is not anther good guy like Chewbaca (no idea how to spell that one and it is too late to check) or an ewalk (ditto) I have no idea. My yoda's look cute, although his ears tended to burn.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Golden Groundhog

Yesterday, we got the first real sign of spring. Stanley moved off of the cable box (where he sleeps all winter) and moved to the bathroom counter, where he sleeps all summer. He slept there two nights in a row. I have often thoughts animals know things about weather before humans. Stan is tuned into something and is communicating hope. I threw in one of Olivia for good measure.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So here is how much snow we have in our yard. The back thing? My Dad's waist high grill. The bottom fo the first picture is the floor. It must be over three feet out there. We are getting more. Insanity.