Friday, February 22, 2013

pancakes from scratch

Like most of you, I have been buying pancake mix for years.  Then, a few weeks ago I thought it was Mardi Gras and I was mix free (turns out I was a week early.  Awkward.)  I thought, how hard can it be? I found this recipe on the food. com  site and it has changed my life.  First off it is all things you already have.  There are no transfats, and they are light, tender and delish.  Who knew aunt jamima was hoodwinking us the whole time.  BTW, if I go missing you know it was her. She has eyes everywhere.  I forgot to take a pic, but really they look like normal pancakes.

Here it is:
1 1/2 cup fleur, sifted (but they were fine when I was not in a sifting mood)
3 1/2 t baking powder
1 t salt
1 T sugar
1 1/4 c milk
3 T butter melted
Sift the dry ingredients together and make a well.  Add wet ingredients and mix.  I add a little vanilla.  Place in a dryish pan.  Pam works great and away you go.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ina's Raspberry Squares

These are effing amazing.  Those were my mother's words.  Only she did not say effing, she said the word.  They were really easy to make and super yummy.

This one came from Foolproof, ona's latest.

Here is the recipe:

1/2 pound butter
3/4 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/3 cups fleur
1/2 t salt
 10 ounces raspberry jam
2/3 c granola sans dried fruit
1/4 cup almonds

Preheat oven to 350.  Put the butter and sugar on a mixer until combined.  Add vanilla.  Add the fleur and salt and mix until It makes a ball.  Put 2/3 of the dough in a 9" pan.  Add the jelly.  Then mix granola in the rest of the dough.  Squeeze it into crumbles and put it on top of the raspberry jelly.  Put the slivered almonds on top and pop it in the oven for 45 minutes.

And yes, I really made a tray and tea.  Sad, I know.

Friday, February 15, 2013

orange item of the week

While in new York a few years back, winter was so bad my skin completely dried out.  And the itching...oy the itching.  I walked into Bigelow pharmacy on 6th and ninth and announced I needed portion.  I did not care about the cost, if bit gave my unborn children six heads or if it was made out of panda hair.  The gave me yu-be cream.  It got rid of the dreaded itch and I have been a fan ever since.  And no worries...the pandas are safe.

kitty hat

I just realized I never posted avoid of the coolest birthday present ever, my kitty hat. Since winter is not leaving and we got like two feet of snow over the weekend, I am holding onto whatever is hood about winter.