Thursday, April 8, 2010

My mother ran away with a mariachi band.

She has left my father and me and never coming back. Here is a photo in case you see my mother or her new man the run. Please ask her to come home. We miss her.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Yoga on the Farm

This is where I do yoga every Monday night, in barn on a non working farm. These are shots of the silo, the fields surrounding the barn and the view out of the door. It is odd when I run out to the car thinking how cold wind is when there are no crops to stop it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Crazy from the heat...

This is what happens to my family when left outside for too long. It is not pretty, people. And yes, my dad posed like that.

Egg Dying.....

Every once and again I get a glimpse into what parents go through raising their children. Usually the experement ends with me sitting quietly and being thankful that I never had kids. Today was no different, as Bea and the twins dyed eggs.

Peter Cottontail

Yupper, the Easter Bunny in our household is none other than my dad. Hope I did not ruin it for anyone. Here are a few shots of him hiding eggs. Sadly, he would not wear the full bunny suit I layed out for him to wear.

Spa day :)

I found the most amazing spa in...... East Granby of all places. It is called Mod Skin and is fabulous. It is owned by Raphael, a former West Villager, like myself. I have found my new home away from Manhattan and could not behappier. The services were great too, I got a fabu massage and a facial. A bright spot for all, and making the town of East Granby more beautiful, relaxed and dare I say, hip? I was so awed by my discovery I forgot to take pictures of the inside, but I will next time. For now, enjoy a few shots of the building.